I've been busy for the last 6 weeks designing and building three new scratch-built rockets. All finished and flight-tested today!
First up is "Red, Black & Balls" and "The Lance of Adequacy"

"Red, Black & Balls" is about 20" long and built around a BT20 body tube. Three ping-pong balls are mounted at the bottom (and cutting the holes top and bottom was a pain!). Launched today on a Quest A6-4 motor. Ejection was quite late but recovered without damage. a C6-4 would be a better choice for this but with the wind today I didn't want to risk it drifting too far. "The Lance of Adequacy" went up on a C6-5, again ejection was quite late since after motor burn-out it virtually stopped and began it's return to Earth. With such a large conical fin at the rear slowed it down and recovered without damage.
My favourite for the day was my "Cruz'n Missile"

The "Cruz'n Missile" flys on a 13mm motor and features a custom turned nosecone. I had a vague idea of building a cruise missile when I started this. Very happy with the results :) Doesn't break the sound barrier or reach orbit - but still gets up a respectable few hundred feet.
Launch photos of "The Lance of Adequacy" and "Cruz'n Missile" after the jump.

The Lance of Adequacy

Cruz'n Missile